Friends of Mocha

This is Gingy. He was just a tiny kitten when he was rescued from underneath a bush, apparently abandoned by his mom cat. After he was rescued he had 15 wonderful years in the same family, moving to many different cities. He was living in Las Vegas when he passed away July 25, 2019. He is missed by his entire 2- and 4-legged family and many friends.

I miss Kai-Bo. Our people took him to the vet today, 11/25/2009, but he didn’t come home. Here are some pictures of some things I remember about him.

Here he is the day he came home from the Dane County Humane Society to live with us,
September 20th 2004.

Believe me, at first I wasn’t too sure.

But he turned out great. He could nap as good as a dog.

His favorite spot was always right in the middle of things.

Here he is trying out the new sleeping bags of course.

Kai-Bo will always be in the sunny spot of our memory.

Here is Wemmick Francesco. He lives with his person and with Grainne (see below).

Wemmick moved in after a stay at the Venango County Humane Society shelter. You won’t believe how many animals there need homes! His high falutin’ name is a combination from a character in Dickens’s “Great Expawtations” and his name “Frankie” at the shelter.

This is Daisy. She just came home last weekend to some friends of ours. She is a “Labradoodle,”
which sounds kinda funny to me like something people made up. But says,
“Now they are a breed of their own!” I haven’t met Daisy yet but she sure looks “A dog of her own!”

Picture of Daisy the Labradoodle

Here are some of the first animals whose person sent their pictures to me.
This picture was contributed by Susan, and shows Ruby (who is a Golden Retriever)
and Bubba (that’s the cat).
Susan says they are hilarious to watch when they play,
and sweet when they curl up together. Here they are:


Ruby and Bubba
Here is Grainne (people say that like “Grahnya”). Her picture was sent by her person Deborah.
She is named after an Irish Pirate Queen, how cool is that?!
Her person says she does “maraud and pillage” sometimes, “just because.”
Grainne says that her “brother” Kai-Bo
“turned her on to some great catnip, dude.”


Don’t forget to ask your person to send pictures and tell something about you and and I’ll put you here on my page!

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