I love this quote from Tony La Russa. It applies to so much. For example, I was able to get the header just right (after a considerable amount of tweaking and thanks to a fantastic little program called “IrfanView” [remind me, I have to make a donation to that developer, and you should absolutely check it out yourself: IrfanView]) and consequently was able to get my professional site exactly how I wanted it to look {link not provided, I am still trying to keep personal and professional lives separate though that is virtually impossible}. That was a week plus ago and I haven’t posted here since then. A lot of stuff goes on.
Now I’m starting to take a look at themes that will work for the web site of an organization for which I am the designated web guy {see this link}.
There is still a lot to do around here too! There are a lot of links here that I haven’t recreated yet.